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Shetlands for sale.

A hardy, multipurpose breed.


Contact us today, as we already have a list of interested buyers for our 2022 season! We prefer to match our animals to the buyer's goals and encourage questions to ensure our sheep find their best-fit home. The winter is the best time to start a conversation with us about your interests and goals.


In 2022, we plan to offer ewe lambs, wethered rams, proven adult ewes, retired ewes, and a few yearling or adult rams. Ram lambs are only available on a very limited basis in the Fall. Starter flocks and retired and/or wether fiber flocks will be available.


We require a minimum purchase or proof of three animals for homes without sheep. Sheep are flock animals and do best when they have company.


We require a deposit to reserve animals and full payment for wethers before castrating. Health Certificates for animals heading out of state are at the request and payment of the buyer. Deliveries or meet-ups are available within New England for an additional fee.



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